Camping Clothes How to Make Cold Weather Camping Feel Warm

Everyone knows that you need to wear more clothing for cold weather camping, but what makes good camping clothes for cold weather?  Most people understand dressing in layers is the key to being warm.  What many people don’t know is that just adding extra layers doesn’t work if they are the wrong layers. 

This is why you need to know the best camping clothes for cold weather.  You can’t just add a lot of layers and hope you will be warm.  It’s all about the right clothes for cold weather camping.


When it comes to the number of layers for cold weather, you’ll need a minimum of three.  A base layer, mid-layer, and outer layer.  Sometimes you’ll want more layers depending on how cold it’s going to be and the exact kind of weather you’ll be in.  It’s all about adding air space, and controlling where the moisture is.

Base Layers

The base layer is going to be your long underwear.  You’ll want it to be made of synthetic materials designed to remove moisture and not trap it next to your skin.  Wool also works well as it can keep you warm even when wet. The last thing you want is to be wearing things like cotton that traps moisture and keeps it next to your skin. Cotton works great in the summer to keep you cool. Unfortunately, it works the same way in the winter, and the last thing you want is to be cool in cold weather.


As a base layer, you want your shirt to be fairly thin and tight. This layer is designed to keep you dry and warm. Merino wool is the best however it gets really pricey for if you won’t want to be itchy. Polyester blends with wool is the next best thing with the bonus of softer and cheaper. Fleece and polyester being the cheapest and most comfortable as a base layer.

Long Underwear

All the same, materials that you want for a base layer shirt you want for your long underwear. Stay away from cotton. Another thing to think about for the males is you want a flap. The last thing you want is to be out camping in the cold and realize you have to lower your base layer to go to the bathroom. Of course, for you women, I can’t help that, but I can say that your standard synthetic yoga pants will work great as a base layer so you don’t have to buy specific cold weather camping clothes.


Your mid-layers are where you don’t have to buying extra camp clothes. In fact, your normal everyday cold-weather clothing works for this. Wear whatever you are comfortable wearing over your long underwear is perfect. Fleece and wool are good materials for this. Cotton is still something you should avoid wearing. It’s not as important to stay away from as with you base layers but it’s still something to avoid.

Now the more warm clothing you can put on in mid-layers the better. It really depends on how cold the weather is going to be. Jeans are OK, synthetic pants are better. Insulated pants are even better if it’s going to be really cold.

Outer Layers

Your outer layers are jackets, pants, or overalls. This is where you look for breathable materials, and waterproof materials. You want lots of insulation in your coat and pants. The more air that can get trapped in your outer layers the better. Thinsulate is great for keeping you warm. The good thing to remember is that you want to cut down on wind getting through your clothing. If you have a waterproof coat you also have a windproof coat.

Water and Wind layers

If your heavy coat isn’t waterproof or windproof, then it’s a good idea to buy another thin outer layer that is. Having a heavily insulated fleece coat that lets the wind blow through isn’t going to help you stay warm. You want to be able to keep all that warm air around your body to keep yourself warm. You definitely want your final outer layers to be wind and waterproof.


Just like your other layers you want to avoid cotton. Wool is the best, and fleece or polyester is good. Make sure even if you have to have multiple pairs of gloves that you have waterproof gloves on. Many times mittens for your final layer of gloves are the best. Having two pairs of gloves is a good idea. That way if you need to use your fingers you only have to remove one pair of gloves. You may be tempted to buy gloves or mittens that flip over to allow better finger dexterity. Don’t, they don’t keep your hands as warm full gloves or mittens. That split can allow wind and cold air in.


Most of use have worn a stocking cap at some point in our lives. The problem with them is the material they are made out of. Many are made of cotton and elastic materials. You don’t want this at all. The last thing you want is a material that sucks up water and holds it against your head.

You want to make sure whatever hat you wear is made of wool or fleece. The old school hunters hats or fleece beanies are the best. Something that keeps your ears warm also is even better hence the hunters’ hats. When it’s cold out looking funny should be the least of your worries. Grab a warm hat and keep your head warm.

Socks and Boots

If you haven’t caught onto the theme of cold weather camping clothes, socks should do it for you. You want to have wool or synthetic socks. With socks you don’t need to have 3-4 layers, however, 2 layers isn’t a bad idea. Have nice soft thin synthetic socks next to your feet then thick wool socks over them.

When it comes to boots for cold weather camping clothes you want something waterproof. Having insulated boots is good. However, having Muck Boots or other type of waterproof proof boot is the most important. Wet feet when it’s cold is a good start to frostbite.


When it comes to cold weather camping clothes you want to make sure you don’t wear any cotton clothing. Everything needs to be synthetic or wool fibers. You’ll need at least one base layer, mid-layer, and outer layer depending on the temperature outside.

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